Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lenten Journey Day 14...Hebrews 3:1-6

In the late summer and early fall of 1992, Cindy and I embarked on an adventure that was new to us then, and has not been repeated since...we built a house. Now to say that we built the house would indeed stretch the truth. We contracted with a company called Henry Fisher Builders who did the actual labor in building the house. Of course, we helped with the design, chose colors, fixtures, lighting, and a number of other things that resulted in the finished product that we called home and resided in for nearly ten years. We have heard horror stories from other couples about building a house, but our experience was actually quite pleasant and the end result, most satisfying.

The writer of our text today reminds us that though we sometimes are quite impressed with what we perceive to be our own accomplishments as builders of certain things in our lives, there is an ultimate builder..."God is the builder of everything." To acknowledge this is to recognize our dependence upon God, and to more readily position ourselves to praise God in everything. The Psalmist affirms this as he writes in Psalm 127:1, "Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain." Had we tried to physically build a house nineteen years ago, it would have been uninhabitable. We were grateful for the skill of the builder, whose handiwork is still on display at 2014 Lakelyn Court in Crescent Springs, Kentucky. In a much larger sense, we fail miserably when we do not recognize the hand of the Master Builder at work in our lives, shaping...molding...crafting our lives. God's handiwork is on display whenever we seek to honor the One who has made us and redeemed us through the Son, Jesus, the Christ.

Throughout this day, ponder these words, "...God is the builder of everything." These are words to build on.

Jim Abernathy

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