Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lenten Journey Day 1...Psalm 32

The Psalmist writes, "Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." Blessed indeed! The season of Lent carries little of the joy and anticipation that Advent brings. Both seasons are times of preparation, but Lent leads us not to the warm and tender scene of a baby in a manger. Instead we are led to a cross where we are compelled to look upon a man whose willingness to take on our sin and die in our place is the ultimate gift of love.

Day 1 of this Lenten journey calls us to confession and repentance. Verses three and four of today's text remind us of the burden of sin we so often carry...a burden that weighs us down, and steals the joy of living. Verses five and six, however, tell a different story...a story of release and relief as the cover of sin is cast aside in the bright light of confession, resulting in forgiveness. This is difficult work. It is much easier to sing about angels, shepherds, and kings than it is to sing of betrayal, contempt, and death. We would rather frame our story in the wonder of the shepherds rather than the angry shouts of the Good Friday crowd. Our sin, as David wrote in the fifty-first Psalm, is ever before us. Yet, there is good news. Confession truly is good for the soul and it ushers us into a place of grace where love covers a multitude of sin.

Joseph Scriven's great hymn text sums it up pretty well.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry,
everything to God in prayer.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

As our journey together begins, confession, repentance, and forgiveness are necessary elements of our pilgrimage. And of course, the companionship of our friend, Jesus, makes all the difference.

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Jim Abernathy

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